Sep 242004

Actually I don’t know why I’m even a little excited. I’m tired. I’m behind on the work I need to get done at home, and I’ve been sick. I’d MUCH rather stay home and sleep in than have to get up stupid-early, drive for a few hours, and then walk around for the rest of the day. But Disneyland does have it’s good points: my wife like it for one!

I started working on another client’s computer last night only to find out that between the time that I turned it off at their house and hooked it up at my shop, the system has died. Looks like either a dead CPU or motherboard. I’m trying to replace it with some of the units I have lying around the shop but I’m only getting more and more convinced that this is probably not the business for me. I think that God is telling me that I’m only going to experience more of this than less if I chose to make this my own company.

Got a call from an old boss whose an architect. He want to meet with me for lunch this Tuesday and talk about some drafting work I can do for him on the side. More of the same stuff here: predictable work that won’t break down like computers do! I thknk I’m going to take the work on but I may have to have him pay most of it up front considering how long it took him to pay me last time. And how much to charge….I just don’t know anymore.