Sep 222004

I barely get any decent sleep these days and now I’m pretty sick thanks to bronchitis and I STILL chose not to go to bed at a decent time -even when I can! What in the world is wrong with me. I got home tonight around 8pm and still didn’t go to bed until 1am!!! What was I doing? Well after a little dishes and the cat litter…watched TV! Anything good? NO! Just stupid shows -well I take that back. Drew Barrymore did a documentary on why kids today don’t vote on MTV that was pretty good. I have to say that I’m impressed with the girl. Not even a HS diploma to her name and she’s fairly well versed in the ways of the world. I have my own thoughts on why there are so few voting kids these days but that’s for another entry. Still, I could have gone to bed at 11pm easily without too much trouble. dummy.

I will take this time to mention the fact that I’ve been writing a book in my head for several years now. It’s a physics book about the world and how it works. Reading the journal entries of another here has inspired me to finally start putting it all down…

1st law of physics in “the Book of Jon”:
>>THE STUPIDITY OF AN ORGANIZATION IS DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO IT’S SIZE<< -Through many years of careful observation and thoughtful consideration, I have managed to reduce the long algebra equation down to this simple formula. The bigger the company, the less consequences there are for stupidity. In a small company, if you are stupid, you either get fired or bring the company down. In larger companies, being stupid could actually be an asset and help with your advancement! I plan on contributing more and more to this first law of physics in the near future but I think that this is all for now. How will this first law help others? Simple: by understanding the laws around you, you won't be as easily surprised when stupidity shows up and declares itself in charge. In fact, depending on the size of the company you're working in, you'd be better off EXPECTING to encounter stupidity. That way, you won't be as easily disappointed! ======================================== Don't know what my next law will cover though...I'm open to suggestions though! I'm serious about writing a book about this (or at least a long essay). I'd sure love to hear people's thoughts on this. I think when the essay get's long enough (and I have developed supporting documentation) I'll see if will consider posting it for review by it's people (still a pipe dream though) All the re-finance money is now officially gone. That sux. At least we're all paid up on stuff and have AC. Now I've actually got to be financially responsible. I hate doing that.