Feb 032005

Man! It’s been forever since I’ve had a moment just to sit down and write here!! I miss getting all my thoughts and struggles out. I’ve been busier than a one-armed painter with an itch and I don’t expect things to change for another few days. I’m working in Van Nuys averaging 15 hours from leaving home to returning home again. Then I’m working most Saturdays too. In the evenings I’m researching some of the networking technology I’m expecting to use in my new business plan (see more on that in another entry). Needless-so-say, I’m “stupid busy” right now. I don’t like it that much but, as it turns out, had I not decided to start my business a few months ago, we would have been in some serious financial troubles right now!

I’ve got so much I plan on putting up here and I’m just backlogged in my brain and on the screen. I’ll going to do my best to get it all out over the next couple of days though.