Dec 162004

I hear about it almost every day in some form or another…

“He got off because he was rich and could afford a better lawyer”
“The rich get better medial care than the rest of us. That isn’t right!”
“The rich get richer and the poor get poorer”
“There’s an increasing gap between the have and have-not’s”

On the surface, this does appeal to your mind as correct thinking. We should have equal rights and entitlements. We should get the same legal and medial care, ect. But the reality is that the solution to this condition is communisim or socialism (which is mearly a big steap towards communisim). Removing the gap between the rich and the poor means employing phrases like “redistribution of wealth”. It means punishing those of us who are successful and fruitful in our economy. It means there would not longer be a benefit for becoming wealthy or successful.

I think many people in America today don’t quite reaize what they have here. We have a society where your class is almost singularly determined by your wealth -not by birth, race, or anything else. This is a very unique situation in our world that most don’t realize. That’s where the appeal is for so many foreigners to want to come here -because almost anyone can make it here and move up in social standing (unlike most other countries). Will the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Of course they will! That’s what makes them rich and poor. The wealthy understand how to manage their money and make it grow (no matter where you are starting out from). The poor simply squander their money and don’t understand how to excel in finances and business -and there will always be a need for both kinds of people.

I also believe that it’s a cycle. I have read much about the lifestyles and habbits of America’s wealthy. Most bear children that simply become “professionals” and never achieve the wealth potential that their parents did. The reason for this is because most wealthy had to make sacrifices and take risks to get where they are now -and don’t want their children to go through the same trials and chances. I believe through the generations, the children lose their appreciation for achieving wealth and are doomed to become America’s poor and lower-class citizens. Yet I am also aware of many that view their poor conditions as a motivator to become wealthy -and many do in this country. And, thus, the cycle continues.

So, in summary, there is nothing wrong with an inequality between the rich and the poor. The alternative is communisim and that has been proven to be a failing form of government. Without capitalism, we would not have the gains in technology, equal-rights, and a variety of other benefits we all enjoy today.