Jan 272007

Just got lucky enough to listen to a little internet radio on Live 365 while I haven’t used my laptop for playing MP3’s at work much these days. Came across the amazing band VAST and was impressed from the beginning. To me, it sounds like a hard version of U2 but then again I’ve only heard one album. I’m currently downloading the rest as I type.

In the mean time, Here’s a download of the song “Turquoise” that first got my attention!

I also would point a lot of you to MP3 Sugar for decent MP3 downloads. The prices are amazingly cheap and the quality has been fantastic (fairly high bitrates). The site is Russian and has dubious legal standing but I’ve been nothing but happy with them for the past 8 months. I managed to find the album “Nude” from VAST on their website but no others. Still, not a bad catch for $1.50!!