Aug 072006

I have been working at my current job for over 2 years now –a new record for me! Before that, I was changing jobs every year for the past 7 years or so. Anyways, the kind of work I do requires me to bounce from one project to the next several times a day. There’s just NO way to keep track without a good note-taking system. So I use a legal pad during the day to answer phones and attend meetings. In the evening before going home I transfer it all to a journal book that records all my hours and the like. It’s saved my tail so many times in the past I can’t possibly remember! Funny thing is that I also keep the old legal pads too. Recently I had to go through and old pad looking for some information I hadn’t copied to my journal book and I found this kewl little thing. I was on the phone with a good friend almost 2 years ago and we were talking about some neato words that he felt like sharing with me. I still have ’em down on paper –never to be forgotten!