Jan 252005

I’m starting to realize the depth and breadth of just how many directions I am able to go in regarding my business. I mean I thought I was a bit “diversified” in December just providing a variety of technical services to business and individuals but that was before I realized several other potential offerings:

1) Maintenance Agreements – This I hadn’t even thought of before. I had nearly given up on the idea of working on computers for a living when this popped up. Now this could very easily dominate the entire business -not that it’s a bad thing, it’s what I’m good at. Although there’s a bit of a demand for time this could bring, the more clients I have that are using broadband connections, there is the possibility of performing most of the maintenance remotely, at my own hours, and even multiple clients at the same time.

2) Employment Assistance – I’ve been helping people write resumes for years. I still manage to review on average 1-2 resumes a week for friends and associates online. Now I realize that this is a valuable skill that could potentially earn me an income as well -but I’m just not sure from where. If I’m helping people find work, that means that most likely they don’t have any income at the moment which means that there is little chance of them being able to pay me that much. I’m still thinking about that one but I haven’t given up on it.

3) Wedding Planning/DJ – This past weekend was a proof of concept. Candi and I have been through ton’s of weddings and this was the first one where we BOTH worked. Candi did the planning and coordinating while I did my usually DJ work. She was just awesome! A regular Jennifer Lopez in The Wedding Planner!! She managed the people and the ceremony with a skill and precision as if she’d been doing it her whole life. As exhausting as it can be, we have been talking about offering our services outside of our circle of friends and family -for a fee of course. The fact is that, although we did both get paid for our services this weekend, we’re probably not being paid even close to what professionals charge here in the Antelope Valley for comparable offerings.

So I’m starting to see just how many directions I can potentially go in and it’s getting a little concerning. Although I do consider this an advantage over focusing on one small thing first, now I’m starting to question the wisdom of keeping my options open. I like the fact that when one area is cold, I can always fall back on another. But will I run myself too thin attempting to go in too many directions at the same time? Maybe. That’s why I belive I’m going to have to just focus on maybe only 2-3 of the potential business services and get them going strong before branching out too much more.

Any thoughts from the outside would be good though!