Nov 232004

I can’t say that I know completely what it is about their music that sturs my emotions so much but I’m just a weeping baby when I listen to their new CD! I think the more I play it I’ll eventually get it though my system but it ain’t happening. I think it’s just the raw passion that comes through in the music. The lyrics, the bono’s vocals, that good ‘ole airy guitar rif, it all adds up to me weeping at my desk with my headphones on praying that no one notices me! I’m prepared to say that my eyes are just irritated but I doubt anyone would believe me. I’ve got a few other new albums to listen to but I just can’t stop playing this one!

Actually today was a good day. Got to work on time carpooling with the boss. The work they have me doing is great. I’ve got about a weeks worth of solid CAD drafting ahead of me and I love it. They all thought I’d balk at the notion of that much work being dropped on my desk but I just love grinding through all that mess. Just put on my headphones, some good tunes, and start CAD drafting like a fiend! I could surely go for more days like today. Everyone thinks I’d be starting to get bored of it by now (being that this is my 2nd day doing this work) but I’m actually loving it. I sure will miss it when I’m done…