Nov 092004

I felt it coming on last night…well actually it was coming on all yesterday. I was sneezing and stuffy and had a sinus headache all day. But the evening was where it got a lot worse. I now have second thoughts about weather I should have gone to that leaders meeting. I didn’t get to bed until around 11. Well…No work for me today. I’ve slept almost all day but at least I’m feeling a lot better this afternoon. That’s encouraging considering I really don’t want to miss another day of work.

Mom sent me an absolutely insane link to the British paper “The Mirror” that apparently been able to successfully put to words what a lot of unhappy Americans are feeling:

Read the article here

It is hard reading this much hatred coming from such a “reputable” source but I guess there are a lot of people out there that actually feel this way…sad. Not that I’ve been that aware of the political realm for that long (maybe about 5 years now) but I’ve never seen such severe animosity displayed like I have this time around.

On a lighter note, I found this little gem of a toy that’s making it’s rounds and is sure to be a hit this Christmas season. If any of you remember the “sentry” robotic defense system that was shown in the directors-cut of Alien, this thing looks just like it -and works the same way. A motion sensor detects “intruders” and shoots them with little foam disks. Kids can use it to protect their privacy in their bedroom, BUT THERE’S SOOO MUCH MORE IT CAN DO! Check these quotes out:

“Bedroom? Stuck it in me garden, and that pesky cat ain’t come round no more!”
-Phil, Harrogate

“Working in IT, there is an area in front of my desk now dubbed “the confessional” – now when people come to confess, they automatically get their penance dispensed 🙂 Fantastic fun, and it also means I get support requests via e-mail instead of being disturbed :)”
-Greg, Wellington

“What GREAT fun! As soon as I set it up, my brother’s dog came into my room to eat my shoes again, and ever since he got shot hundreds of times by these awesome bullets, he’s never been back! I can also shoot it manually when I’m bored! AWESOME!”
-Mitch H, Sydney