Dec 092004

Well I finally got around to putting the data in an Excel worksheet and setup the chart for the next year and 1 month. You can check it out here:


I’m going to update the data on a nearly daily basis to measure the progress. The “Projected Weight” slope is derived from my desire to reach 150 lbs. by the end of 2005. I determined that this would mean a daily loss of 0.1675 lbs. so, with that in mind, I setup the projected daily value and will begin entering in my weight taken every morning before my shower and breakfast. In addition, I’m planning on finalizing my weekly diet by the end of the month so that I’ll be able to plan out my meals each week (or month) so I’m not eating out as much. I will also be walking at least 30 min. every other day over lunch. On the weekend, I will be using my exercise machine for at least 45 min on Saturday. I’m actually a little excited as I am already down to 213.5 as of this morning. Maybe I started out my measurement from 215 on a bad day (or maybe my 3am trip to the bathroom helped)!

Wish me luck!