Apr 142005

Well things have been very busy recently. I wish I could put a finger on what started all this but I’m not exactly worried about it. I DO know that it will not be this way forever -or even that much longer. I’m still gearing up for the launch of my business -with only a few more technical hurdles to overcome. In the mean time, I’ve acquired some equipment that will help with the day-to-day operations of the business as I have realized that I am going to need a lot of individual workstations running at the same time to make any money at this.

In other news, I have come to the realization that I am a “codependent”. I never really thought I was but recent events and actions I have taken have revealed this trait in my character. Reading about it I have learned just how prevalent codependency is in Christianity. I’m discovering a lot and entering a whole new world in my view!

Well for now, I think all I’m going to be able to do is some music reviews (coming in the next few entries).