Dec 302004

A week and a half since my last entry. That’s shameful (or maybe I’ve just been busy). Man, so much has happened this past week I’m probably going to have to break this up in to several entries as the memories start coming back today! I still haven’t lost any significant weight but I’m not worried. It’s still the holidays and I’ve been going to parties, family gatherings and the like. People have been feeding me like crazy. Still, I haven’t GAINED any weight either which is pretty good. I’m actually looking forward to my daily walks during my lunch hour. It feels so good now to be getting back in shape.

Business is picking up still -and I haven’t even worked that hard at it this week. Even though I decided NOT to continue marketing myself as a PC technician, I got three calls yesterday (my day off for working my business) for some pretty big PC repairs. I came home from the three house calls with a check for $125 and about $150(min) coming later when I return their systems later this week. Not bad for a few hours work in the afternoon! One of the families mentioned something pretty interesting to me as they were writing me a check for $125, “I sure don’t mind paying for good help!” Yet another message telling me that I’m actually worth it! Good to hear.

Well anyways, more to come later today…