Oct 132010

So I recently managed to acquire a family of fruit flies in the house (thanks to a rotting watermelon I left in the trash can too long). As it turns out, they are immune to ant and roach pesticides (among other things). I was afraid they would never leave! But after a bit of web searching, I ran across a little discussion thread talking about this very subject. Sure, the first thing anyone should do with a fruit fly problem is clean up. But once they’re in the house, that’s that. I didn’t really want to use any sort of pesticide since I have 5 cats in the house (which usually takes care of the larger “pest problems”). So I read a suggestion to take a jar, put in some rotting fruit and some water, and add a paper cone to the top (pointing inward) with a tiny pin hole just large enough for the fruit flies to enter. They will be able to enter but not leave. Well, this seemed just too simple but I thought I’d give it a try at least…

24 hrs later, not a single fruit fly in the house that wasn’t in that jar!! Simply amazing little trick that cost me nothing that I didn’t have laying around the house already. Thank you interwebs!!