Nov 302004

It dipped below 20 degrees last night! That’s cold for Southern California. My pipes froze in the master bedroom and had to take a shower in the guest bathroom this morning. A friend turned me on to this hilarious website I think I’m going to try and make a new image for their collection!

I’m excited about tonight. I get to meet with a retirement planner from State Farm and am hoping to better be able to plan out my financial goals for the next 30 years.

Last night was pretty awesome. My wife made me my favorite Guatemalan dinner and we had a ton of friends over to celebrate my birthday. It’s kinda’ funny, we had more women over than men (mostly all married of course). It was never like this for me when I was single! Lots of kids too. Thanks to all that came and all that have emailed and called me wishing me a happy 34th. I surely needed it.

Just got Gwen Stefani’s new album “Love Angel Music Baby”

My sister-in-law requested it and I’m pleasantly surprised at how much I like it. It’s pop-like beats sure do make the day go by fast when I’ve got a lot of work to jam out. Thanks Zully!